.IE Domain Name Verification Documents

.IE Domain Names

There are some requirements for registering a .IE domain name that are mandatory for all customers. When you submit an order and your domain name is paid, you will receive a ticket from our team to provide additional documents in order to verify the domain name successfully and to be activated by the Domain Name Registry.

Documents that should be provided:

  • As an overseas company, the Registry will accept any ONE of the following as evidence of the domain holder's connection to Ireland:

- Sales invoices showing that the domain holder sells goods or services on the island of Ireland

- Irish Trademark certificate

- EU Community Trademark certificate (if enforceable in Ireland)

- WIPO Trademark certificate (if enforceable in Ireland)

- Signed letter from a third-party solicitor, accountant, bank manager, or auditor, confirming that the domain holder is selling goods or services in the island of Ireland

Last modified: 2025-03-14
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