Domain names are human-readable addresses used to access websites on the internet. Rather than typing in a complex IP address (a series of numbers), a domain name provides a simple and memorable way to reach online content. Each domain name consists of a second-level domain (SLD) - the unique part of the domain that typically reflects the name of the business or service - and a top-level domain (TLD), which categorizes the domain's broad purpose or geographic location.
Generic Top-Level Domains, or gTLDs, are global domain extensions that are generally available for registration. They are not tied to a specific country or territory and often indicate the nature or the sector of the website. Organizations, businesses, and individuals can choose from a variety of gTLDs to best represent their online identity.
Examples of gTLDs:
.com – Commercial business: [businessname].com
.org – Nonprofit organizations: [organization].org
.net – Network organizations: [serviceprovider].net
.info – Informational sites: [infowebsite].info
.edu – Educational institutions: [universityname].edu
Country Code Top-Level Domains, or ccTLDs, are two-letter domain extensions reserved for a country, sovereign state, or dependent territory identified with a country code. They are often used by entities wishing to reach or represent a specific geographic audience.
Examples of ccTLDs:
.eu – European Union: [brandname].eu
.be – Belgium: [businessname].be
.uk – United Kingdom: [companyname].uk
.de – Germany: [business].de