Apa itu DNS Reverse?

Reverse DNS is a service that associates IP addresses with domain names. While regular Forward DNS resolves domain names to IP addresses, Reverse DNS does the opposite. It allows you to look up the domain name associated with a given IP address, providing a way to identify the host or server corresponding with that IP address. It's commonly used for security and administrative purposes, such as verifying the authenticity of incoming email servers or identifying the origin of network traffic based on IP addresses.

Layanan DNS Reverse yang disediakan oleh ClouDNS merupakan layanan DNS Premium bagi pemilik dan operator jaringan IP dan tidak termasuk di dalam paket Gratis. Hosting DNS Reverse merupakan layanan kelas bisnis dan mendukung zona DNS Reverse IPv4 dan IPv6.

DNS plans supporting Reverse DNS

DDoS Protected L
  • +4 server Anycast DNS
  • Proteksi dari DDoS untuk DNS
  • 400 Zona DNS
  • Record dan kueri tidak terbatas
  • 3 Pemeriksaan DNS Failover
  • 1,000 Forwarding email
  • Fitur lebih banyak
Beli Sekarang
DDoS Protected M
  • +4 server Anycast DNS
  • Proteksi dari DDoS untuk DNS
  • 50 Zona DNS
  • Record dan kueri tidak terbatas
  • 2 Pemeriksaan DNS Failover
  • 100 Forwarding email
  • Fitur lebih banyak
Premium L
  • +4 server Anycast DNS
  • 400 Zona DNS
  • 20,000 Record DNS
  • Tak terbatas Kueri DNS per bulan
  • 3 Pemeriksaan DNS Failover
  • 1,000 Forwarding email
  • Fitur lebih banyak
Beli Sekarang
Premium M
  • +4 server Anycast DNS
  • 50 Zona DNS
  • 2,000 Record DNS
  • 200M Kueri DNS per bulan
  • 2 Pemeriksaan DNS Failover
  • 100 Forwarding email
  • Fitur lebih banyak
DDoS Protected L
DDoS Protected M
Premium L
Premium M
Reverse DNS:
? Zona DNS: 400 50 400 50
? Record DNS: 20,000 2,000 20,000 2,000
? Kueri DNS per bulan: Tak terbatas 200M ? Tak terbatas 200M ?
? Proteksi DDoS: - -
Detail selengkapnya Detail selengkapnya Detail selengkapnya Detail selengkapnya
Beli Sekarang Beli Sekarang
30 day Free Trial
No credit cards required
Dukungan obrolan Langsung 24/7.

Mengapa Anda butuh layanan DNS Reverse eksternal?

Tugas sebagai operator jaringan sangat berat. Ada banyak hal yang harus dilakukan. Dengan DNS Reverse, Anda bisa berpindah ke ClouDNS dan terbebas dari tugas mendukung banyak server DNS untuk DNS otoritas. Bersama kami, Anda sepenuhnya bebas berpindah dari jaringan Anda ke layanan UDP terproteksi dari DDoS - DNS.

The service is very useful for those administrators who manage their own mail servers. Reverse DNS must exist for the IP address from which the outgoing e-mail is sent. The reason is that many mail servers on the Internet are configured to reject incoming mail from any IP address that does not have Reverse DNS (rDNS).

*Standards from the IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) suggest that every domain should be capable of Reverse DNS lookup. Pelajari selengkapnya

Hosting DNS Reverse yang disediakan oleh ClouDNS dibangun di Jaringan Anycast DNS yang memberikan kecepatan dan keamanan maksimal dari lokasi mana saja di dunia.

Benefits of using Reverse DNS

Reverse DNS provides valuable information about IP addresses, which can be extremely beneficial for a variety of reasons. Moreover, if Reverse DNS is configured properly, it can massively enhance the overall performance and security of a network.:

Email Deliverability

Improve your email deliverability rates by configuring Reverse DNS records correctly. By doing so, it proves the authenticity of your emails.

Network Troubleshooting

Quickly identify and resolve issues by tracing IP addresses back to their corresponding domain names.


Detect and prevent malicious activities, such as spam, phishing, and hacking attempts, by identifying the true source of IP addresses.

Online Reputation

Establish a positive online reputation by ensuring that your IP addresses are associated with legitimate domain names.

How to configure Reverse DNS in ClouDNS?

Setting up Reverse DNS in ClouDNS is simple and essential for ensuring your network runs smoothly. To do that follow these steps:

  1. Login to your ClouDNS account
  2. Navigate to DNS zones and select Create zone
  3. Choose either the Master reverse zone or Secondary reverse zone option
  4. In the Generate zone by subnet field enter the reverse zone name (IP address)
  5. If configuring a Master reverse zone Add PTR record(s) for your domain(s) and Request IP delegation to ClouDNS servers from the IP owner
  6. If configuring a Slave reverse zone Enter the Master server IP and Click Register

DNS Reverse IPv4

ClouDNS menyediakan DNS Utama maupun Sekunder untuk zona DNS Reverse IPv4. Rentang jaringan yang didukung mulai dari::

/24 - 255 Alamat IP
/25 - 128 Alamat IP
/26 - 64 Alamat IP

/27 - 32 Alamat IP
/28 - 16 Alamat IP
/29 - 8 Alamat IP

/30 - 4 Alamat IP
/31 - 2 Alamat IP
/32 - 1 Alamat IP

IPv4 Reverse DNS ensures each IP address has a corresponding PTR (Pointer) record. This mapping is crucial for services like email servers that require PTR records for domain validation and aids in network diagnostics by enabling traceable IP address logs.

DNS Reverse IPv6

ClouDNS provides both Primary and Secondary DNS for IPv6 Reverse DNS zones. The supported network ranges are from /32 to /128. With IPv6 Reverse DNS, IPv6 addresses are mapped to domain names using PTR records in the ip6.arpa domain. This is vital for managing the vast IPv6 address space efficiently and troubleshooting, ensuring each address can be resolved to its domain for security and operational needs.

Zona DNS

Setiap rentang jaringan (daftar blokir IP) mengharuskan satu zona DNS dikonfigurasi. Misalnya, jika Anda memiliki rentang jaringan IPv4 /22, Anda harus memisahkannya menjadi 4 zona DNS untuk setiap sub-jaringan /24. Tak ada batasan jumlah record PTR yang bisa dikonfigurasi menjadi zona DNS.

DNS zones are vital for organizing PTR records for both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. Structuring IP ranges into DNS zones allows for more efficient management of IP address resolution, ensuring quick DNS propagation and reliable domain name resolution.

Propagasi DNS instan

Layanan Managed DNS kami beroperasi dalam sistem yang dikembangkan sendiri dengan propagasi DNS instan di semua pusat data yang berada di dalam jaringan kami. Dengan panel kontrol berbasis web, pelanggan kami dapat memantau propagasi di semua pusat data secara real-time. Anda bisa kapan pun memeriksa nama domain Anda, apa status terkini setiap pusat data. Dipadukan dengan nilai TTL rendah (paling sedikit 1 menit) pelanggan kami bisa menerapkan perubahan lebih cepat tanpa ada downtime.

Butuh bantuan?

DDoS Protected L
  • 400 Zona DNS
  • 20,000 Record DNS
  • Tak terbatas Kueri DNS per bulan
  • Zona DNS Reverse
  • Proteksi DDoS
  • DNS Failover & DNSSEC
  • Migrasi zona gratis
  • Dukungan obrolan Langsung 24/7.
  • Detail selengkapnya
Beli Sekarang
DDoS Protected M
  • 50 Zona DNS
  • 2,000 Record DNS
  • 200M ? Kueri DNS per bulan
  • Zona DNS Reverse
  • Proteksi DDoS
  • DNS Failover & DNSSEC
  • Migrasi zona gratis
  • Dukungan obrolan Langsung 24/7.
  • Detail selengkapnya
Uji coba sepenuhnya gratis. Tanpa kartu kredit. Bebas trik.
Mulai Uji Coba Gratis 7 hari
Premium L
  • 400 Zona DNS
  • 20,000 Record DNS
  • Tak terbatas Kueri DNS per bulan
  • Zona DNS Reverse
  • DNS Failover & DNSSEC
  • Migrasi zona gratis
  • Dukungan obrolan Langsung 24/7.
  • Detail selengkapnya
Beli Sekarang
Premium M
  • 50 Zona DNS
  • 2,000 Record DNS
  • 200M ? Kueri DNS per bulan
  • Zona DNS Reverse
  • DNS Failover & DNSSEC
  • Migrasi zona gratis
  • Dukungan obrolan Langsung 24/7.
  • Detail selengkapnya
Uji coba sepenuhnya gratis. Tanpa kartu kredit. Bebas trik.
Mulai Uji Coba Gratis 7 hari

Butuh penawaran harga kustom?

If you need a custom quote, additional zones or set up of a branded DNS service, please click the button and fill the form!

Frequently Asked Questions

Tanya-Jawab Umum

  • What happens if I don't have Reverse DNS configured? - Without Reverse DNS, your email servers might face deliverability issues, and network diagnostics can become more challenging. Some services might also reject connections from IP addresses without a valid PTR record.
  • How can I check Reverse DNS? - You can use online tools or command-line utilities like nslookup to verify your Reverse DNS settings.
  • What should I do if my Reverse DNS does not match the SMTP banner? - Ensure the PTR record for your IP address matches the hostname in your SMTP banner. Update your Reverse DNS settings and configure your mail server with the correct hostname to avoid email deliverability issues.
  • Still have questions about ClouDNS Reverse DNS? - You can contact us via our 24/7 Live chat support or if you prefer, you can send a message on support@cloudns.net.

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