DNS Dinamis merupakan suatu layanan DNS, yang menyediakan opsi mengubah alamat IP satu atau beberapa record DNS secara otomatis saat alamat IP perangkat Anda terus diganti secara dinamis oleh penyedia internet. Layanan ini juga disebut DDNS atau Dyn DNS dari segi jargon teknis. Jika Anda tidak memiliki IP statis, maka IP berubah setiap kali Anda terhubung kembali ke Internet. Demi menghindari pembaruan manual record Anda setiap kali IP berubah, Anda bisa menyiapkan DNS Dinamis untuk domain Anda.
This type of service is most commonly used in remote devices (like security cameras, local servers, etc.). Dynamic DNS helps people not to lose access to their devices, regardless of the possible change of their home IP. Why is this happening? The ISPs usually rely on a dynamic allocation of IP addresses to the customers for a certain amount of time. When that time finishes, they will be given a new one.
Free DNS |
Premium S $2.95/bulan |
Premium M
Most popular
Premium L $14.95/bulan |
? Zona DNS: | 1 | 5 | 50 | 400 |
? Record DNS: | 50 | 200 | 2,000 | 20,000 |
? Dynamic DNS hostnames: | 1 | Tak terbatas | Tak terbatas | Tak terbatas |
? Kueri DNS per bulan: | i 500K | i 5M | i 200M | Tak terbatas |
? Forwarding email: | 1 | 10 | 100 | 1,000 |
? Pemeriksaan DNS Failover & Pemantauan: | - | 1 | 2 | 3 |
Daftar | Mulai Uji Coba Gratis 30 hari | Mulai Uji Coba Gratis 30 hari | Beli Sekarang |
Connect to your home or office network from any location, ensuring easy access to files and applications.
Run websites, FTP servers, or game servers on your personal devices with a consistent domain name.
Monitor your home or business security cameras remotely without needing a static IP.
Manage and access Internet of Things (IoT) devices like smart home systems remotely.
Set up and manage a Virtual Private Network (VPN) to securely connect to your private network.
Host multiplayer gaming sessions with friends using a stable domain name for your game server.
If you are considering a static IP address, it is important to remember that there are many different advantages that come with having one. Naturally there are also disadvantages. One of the downsides of configuring a static IP address is that it can grow quite expensive. Free Dynamic DNS by ClouDNS is often regarded as a much more portable option and it will continue to work whether you have a dynamic or static IP address. On the other hand, for all the premium accounts we provide an additional and very beneficial feature - Dynamic DNS history.
Let's see the following situation - you are using services like Amazon EC2 or Google Cloud. By default, they give you a Dynamic IP address. If you want a static IP address, you will be additionally charged. In that case, it's more efficient to have a Dynamic DNS and keep your expenses low.
Cara kerja DNS Dinamis adalah dengan memampukan perangkat jaringan memberitahukan server DNS agar otomatis berubah secara real time, bersama dengan konfigurasi DNS aktif, alamat IP, hostname terkonfigurasi, dan informasi lainnya. Ini biasanya dilakukan oleh administrator.
Sebagian manfaat utama mengatur DNS Dinamis adalah:
Anda bisa memastikan sistem Anda menggunakan nama yang konsisten di URL yang Anda ketikkan, meskipun alamat IP URL itu terus berubah-ubah.
Tidak perlu selalu mengubah pengaturan di setiap PC saat Anda ingin mengubah infrastruktur jaringan atau opsi lainnya.
Anda bisa memiliki banyak alamat yang semuanya bisa digunakan sekaligus dan menghindari terjadinya konflik alamat IP.
Enhances the reliability of web services hosted on dynamic IP addresses by ensuring the DNS records are always up-to-date.
Beralih ke DNS Dinamis cukup mudah prosesnya dan apakah Anda pemilik bisnis atau senang bekerja dari jarak jauh dengan bantuan VPN, yang membutuhkan akses jarak jauh untuk perangkat Anda atau sekadar meng-hosting situs web personal Anda, manfaat yang diberikan DNS Dinamis di pihak Anda sangat membantu.
Pertimbangkan sebagian manfaat utama tadi, serta manfaat lainnya jika beralih ke DNS Dinamis dan ingat, ada banyak tutorial tersedia di situs web kami tentang cara menyiapkan proses ini dan memulainya.
Dynamic DNS service by ClouDNS provides a unique URL called DynURL with each A (IPv4) and AAAA (IPv6) record.
Begin your configuration journey with our video tutorial, specifically focused on the ClouDNS Dashboard setup:
You have already set up your Dynamic DNS and you are ready to move forward? Here is how you can configure it on your devices:
Free DNS |
Premium S $2.95/bulan |
Premium M
Most popular
Premium L $14.95/bulan |
? Zona DNS: | 1 | 5 | 50 | 400 |
? Record DNS: | 50 | 200 | 2,000 | 20,000 |
? Dynamic DNS hostnames: | 1 | Tak terbatas | Tak terbatas | Tak terbatas |
? Kueri DNS per bulan: | i 500K | i 5M | i 200M | Tak terbatas |
? Forwarding email: | 1 | 10 | 100 | 1,000 |
? Pemeriksaan DNS Failover & Pemantauan: | - | 1 | 2 | 3 |
Daftar | Mulai Uji Coba Gratis 30 hari | Mulai Uji Coba Gratis 30 hari | Beli Sekarang |
"Outstanding Service. I'm using ClouDNS since 2015 for personal domains. In 2018 moved the domains of the company were i work and we use your services since then. Would never though to go back!!!..."
Stanislav Filavtev