什么是Dynamic DNS

Dynamic DNS是一个DNS服务。当您的设备IP地址被互联网服务提供商动态变更时,它提供选项来自动变更一个或多个DNS记录的IP地址。 此服务在技术术语上也被称作DDNS或是Dyn DNS 如果您没有一个静态IP,那么每次您重新连接到互联网是IP都会改变。为了避免每次IP变化时手动更新您的记录,您可以为您的域搭建Dynamic DNS。

此类型服务是最普遍使用在移动设备上。(如安保摄像头,本地服务器等等)。动态DNS帮助人们不丢失对其设备的访问,无论其家庭IP是否可能发生更改。 为什么会有这种情况发生?ISPs通常为客户在确定的一段时间内分配一个动态的IP地址。当那段时间结束后,他们会重新分配一个新的。

Free DNS
Premium S
Premium M
Premium L
? DNS域: 1 5 50 400
? DNS记录: 50 200 2,000 20,000
? Dynamic DNS hostnames: 1 无限 无限 无限
? 每月的DNS查询: i 500K i 5M i 200M 无限
? 邮件转发: 1 10 100 1,000
? DNS故障转移检查: - 1 2 3
注册 开始免费30天试用 开始免费7天试用 立即购买
Free DNS
  • 4单播DNS服务器
  • 1 DNS区域
  • 50 DNS记录
  • 500K 每月的DNS查询
  • 1 邮件转发
Premium S
  • +4Anycast DNS服务器
  • 5 DNS域
  • 200 DNS记录
  • 5M 每月的DNS查询
  • 1 DNS故障转移确认
  • 10 邮件转发
  • 扩展功能
Premium M
  • +4Anycast DNS服务器
  • 50 DNS域
  • 2,000 DNS记录
  • 200M 每月的DNS查询
  • 2 DNS故障转移检查点
  • 100 邮件转发
  • 免费SSL
  • 扩展功能
Premium L
  • +4Anycast DNS服务器
  • 400 DNS域
  • 20,000 DNS记录
  • 无限 每月的DNS查询
  • 3 DNS故障转移检查点
  • 1,000 邮件转发
  • 免费SSL
  • 扩展功能

What is Dynamic DNS used for?

Remote Access

Connect to your home or office network from any location, ensuring easy access to files and applications.

Hosting Servers

Run websites, FTP servers, or game servers on your personal devices with a consistent domain name.

Security Cameras

Monitor your home or business security cameras remotely without needing a static IP.

IoT Devices

Manage and access Internet of Things (IoT) devices like smart home systems remotely.

VPN Access

Set up and manage a Virtual Private Network (VPN) to securely connect to your private network.


Host multiplayer gaming sessions with friends using a stable domain name for your game server.

Dynamic DNS加强版

If you are considering a static IP address, it is important to remember that there are many different advantages that come with having one. Naturally there are also disadvantages. One of the downsides of configuring a static IP address is that it can grow quite expensive. Free Dynamic DNS by ClouDNS is often regarded as a much more portable option and it will continue to work whether you have a dynamic or static IP address. On the other hand, for all the premium accounts we provide an additional and very beneficial feature - Dynamic DNS history.

让我们看看下面的情形 - 您正在使用如亚马逊 EC2 或谷歌云的服务。他们默认给您一个动态IP地址。如果您想要一个静态IP地址,您将会被另外收费。在这种情况下,拥有一个动态DNS会更具有效率并且降低您的花费。


Dynamic DNS优势

设置一个Dynamic DNS的主要优势的一部分包含:








Enhances the reliability of web services hosted on dynamic IP addresses by ensuring the DNS records are always up-to-date.


请考虑那些或者更多的切换到Dynamic DNS的顶尖优势,而且请记住在我们的网站上有大量的关于如何构建这个程序和开始的教程。

ClouDNS的免费Dynamic DNS

ClouDNS为所有DNS托管套餐提供免费的Dynamic DNS。 在这里注册免费账户

如何注册Dynamic DNS

Dynamic DNS service by ClouDNS provides a unique URL called DynURL with each A (IPv4) and AAAA (IPv6) record.

Begin your configuration journey with our video tutorial, specifically focused on the ClouDNS Dashboard setup:

You have already set up your Dynamic DNS and you are ready to move forward? Here is how you can configure it on your devices:

Free DNS
Premium S
Premium M
Premium L
? DNS域: 1 5 50 400
? DNS记录: 50 200 2,000 20,000
? Dynamic DNS hostnames: 1 无限 无限 无限
? 每月的DNS查询: i 500K i 5M i 200M 无限
? 邮件转发: 1 10 100 1,000
? DNS故障转移检查: - 1 2 3
注册 开始免费30天试用 开始免费7天试用 立即购买
Free DNS
  • 4单播DNS服务器
  • 1 DNS区域
  • 50 DNS记录
  • 500K 每月的DNS查询
  • 1 邮件转发
Premium S
  • +4Anycast DNS服务器
  • 5 DNS域
  • 200 DNS记录
  • 5M 每月的DNS查询
  • 1 DNS故障转移确认
  • 10 邮件转发
  • 扩展功能
Premium M
  • +4Anycast DNS服务器
  • 50 DNS域
  • 2,000 DNS记录
  • 200M 每月的DNS查询
  • 2 DNS故障转移检查点
  • 100 邮件转发
  • 免费SSL
  • 扩展功能
Premium L
  • +4Anycast DNS服务器
  • 400 DNS域
  • 20,000 DNS记录
  • 无限 每月的DNS查询
  • 3 DNS故障转移检查点
  • 1,000 邮件转发
  • 免费SSL
  • 扩展功能



  • Why do I need Dynamic DNS? - Dynamic DNS is useful if you have a dynamic IP address that changes frequently, but you want to access your device or service using a consistent domain name.
  • Can I use Dynamic DNS with any device? - Yes, DDNS can be used with a wide range of devices, including routers, cameras, servers, and computers, as long as they support Dynamic DNS.
  • Can I use Dynamic DNS with IPv6 addresses? - Yes, you can use Dynamic DNS with both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.
  • How often does DDNS update my IP address? - It updates your IP address whenever a change is detected. The frequency depends on how often your ISP changes your IP address and the settings of your DDNS client.
  • Can DDNS improve my internet speed? - No, DDNS does not affect internet speed. It simply ensures that you can access your network devices using a consistent domain name.
  • Still have questions about the ClouDNS Dynamic DNS service? - 您可以通过我们的24/7 实时聊天支持联系我们,或者如果愿意,您可以通过 support@cloudns.net给我们发送消息。

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