
.host domain name

The domain extension of the hosting industry.


Why to choose .host domain name extension?

Similar and related Extensions
.hosting .net
Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Register $109.19  $14.29 $218.38  $123.48 $327.57  $232.17 $436.76  $340.86 $545.95  $449.55 $655.14  $558.24 $764.33  $666.93 $873.52  $775.62 $982.71  $884.31 $1,091.90  $993.00
Transfer $109.19 - - - - - - - - -
Renew $109.79 $219.58 $329.37  $328.87 $439.16  $438.16 $548.95  $547.45 $658.74  $656.74 $768.53  $766.03 $878.32  $875.32 $988.11  $984.61 $1,097.90  $1,093.90
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