What is an SSL certificate and do we need it?
An SSL certificate is essential for securing websites, encrypting sensitive data, and building...
FTP vs HTTP: Understanding the Key Differences
Today we will see what exactly is FTP (File Transfer Protocol) and how does it compare to the newer protocol called HTTP (Hypertext...
Comprehensive Guide on TCP Monitoring vs. UDP Monitoring
Why does the battle between TCP monitoring vs UDP monitoring matter in the world of network management? In this guide, we’ll delve...
Understanding DoT and DoH (DNS over TLS vs. DNS over HTTPS)
As more and more of our data is being transferred over the Internet, protecting it from third-party...
What is a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) and How to Generate It?
Securing your website with SSL/TLS certificates is crucial for protecting sensitive data and building trust with your users. At the heart...
HTTP flood attack – What is it and How to prevent it?
In a world where an online presence is crucial, an HTTP flood attack poses a significant threat, overwhelming websites with an onslaught of...
SFTP Fundamentals: A Deep Dive into Secure File Transfer Protocol
In a world where data is constantly in motion – whether you’re sending files to cloud...
HTTP vs HTTPS: Why every website needs HTTPS today
In today’s digital age, securing information online has become more important than ever. One key aspect of online security revolves...