Tag: DNS query

What is a Point of Presence (PoP) and Why Does It Matter?

DDoS, Servers

Every time you visit a website, stream a video, or access an online service, your request travels...
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TTL and how to check TTL


TTL – Time to live is a value that signifies how long should the data be kept before discarding. It is commonly used in computers. In...
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What is a Recursive DNS server?


When you browse the internet, you don’t write IP addresses to go to the pages you want; you just write the domain. In the...
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DNS cache explained 

DNS, Servers

The DNS is a great technology that allows us to use the internet the way we currently know it. It...
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DNS Tunneling attack – What is it, and how to protect ourselves?

DNS, Protection

DNS Tunneling attack turns the Domain Name System (DNS), a highly trusted and widely used system on the Internet, into a weapon for...
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Why does DNS use UDP?


If you have ever wondered why DNS primarily relies on UDP (User Datagram Protocol) instead of other transport protocols like TCP...
Read More Read More: Why does DNS use UDP?
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