DNS Troubleshooting – tools and commands
In the vast universe of network management and IT troubleshooting, issues related to the Domain...
DNS history. When and why was DNS created?
We have talked a lot about DNS. How does it work, and all the related topic around it. But we have never spent some time about the DNS...
DNS best practices
You cannot imagine the internet without DNS. There is almost no service that doesn’t depend on DNS technology. E-mails, VoIP, web...
Why media can’t live without CDN
Do you remember the time when we were reading the news in a printed newspaper and we were going to a video store to rent a VHS? The things...
Domain registration. How to choose a domain name?
If you want to make a website for your business, the first obstacle that you face, even before the actual creation of the site is the...
How to set up a new DNS zone for your WordPress site
We will show you two different ways to set up a new DNS zone for WordPress, depending on if your site was created and hosted through WordPress.com or you have a hosting with a cPanel. We will show you a step-by-step guide for the two options.
What is Traffic Director?
Do you want to give your users the best possible performance? The Traffic Director can help you to do that! With it, you can direct DNS...
What is a Point of Presence (PoP) and Why Does It Matter?
Every time you visit a website, stream a video, or access an online service, your request travels through multiple network points before...
CDN and SEO, are they connected?
CDN and SEO go hand in hand when it comes to improving website performance and visibility. A slow...