Anycast DNS is a powerful network routing technique that improves your website's performance and availability. It guarantees visitors are connected to the nearest DNS server, resulting in faster response times and improved website availability.
Anycast DNS is a simple concept - you can reach a single destination following many different roads. Instead of having all the traffic go down one route, Anycast DNS utilizes multiple locations that receive queries to the network, but in different geographical locations. The objective here is for the network to find the shortest path for a user to a particular DNS server.
The definition, from a purely technical standpoint, states "Anycast DNS is a network addressing and routing methodology, in which datagrams from a single sender are routed to the topologically nearest node in a group of potential receivers."
DDoS Protected M $11.95/mesiac |
DDoS Protected S $5.95/mesiac |
Premium M $4.95/mesiac |
Premium S $2.95/mesiac |
Anycast DNS: | ||||
? DNS zóny: | 50 | 5 | 50 | 5 |
? Záznamy DNS: | 2,000 | 200 | 2,000 | 200 |
? DNS queries za mesiac: | 200M ? | 5M ? | 200M ? | 5M ? |
? Ochrana DDoS: | - | - | ||
Viac informácií | Viac informácií | Viac informácií | Viac informácií | |
Anycast DNS works like this: imagine you have several identical stores in different neighbourhoods. When someone asks for directions to your store, they're directed to the nearest one. Anycast DNS does the same thing with internet traffic: it directs users to the closest server that has the same information about your website. It makes websites load faster because users connect to servers that are physically closer to them, reducing the time it takes for information to travel back and forth. It also helps ensure websites stay online even if some servers have issues because there are backups ready to take over. Overall, Anycast DNS improves speed, reliability, and efficiency for websites and online services.
Routes queries to the nearest server, reducing latency and speeding up response times.
Provides redundancy by automatically redirecting queries to available servers if one fails, ensuring high availability.
Distributes traffic across multiple servers, making it harder for attackers to overwhelm the network and improving resilience against DDoS attacks.
Anycast DNS and Unicast DNS are two different approaches to DNS resolution that have distinct characteristics. The Unicast protocol is a relic from the past and it doesn't adequately meet client's needs. It lacks the ability to mitigate DDoS attacks globally, have lower DNS latency across countries or make proper load balancing in multiple locations. Anycast DNS is your ticket for a fast and reliable DNS at the same time!
ClouDNS features Anycast DNS service in our Premium DNS and DDoS Protected DNS Plans. We maximize the speed, minimize downtime and provide our customers with the highest possible SLA for each of our global locations. As a result, our customers have full redundancy and reliability on our network with reduced latency across each continent.
Vlastnosti | Unicast DNS | Anycast DNS |
Server Structure | Single server | Multiple servers |
Routing | Specific IP | Nearest server |
Response Time | Variable | Faster |
Availability | Vulnerable to server failure | High |
Škálovateľnosť | Limited scalability | Highly scalable |
Zabezpečenie | No built-in DDoS protection | Ochrana DDoS |
Ideal For | Smaller-scale websites or local networks | Global websites |
Teraz, keď sme vysvetlili základy a poskytli vám základnú definíciu servera Anycast DNS, dovoľte nám dostať sa do podrobností. Toto sú niektoré z nesporných výhod, ktoré získate, keď používate sieť ClouDNS Anycast:
ClouDNS využíva 67 POPs (body prítomnosti) v našej rozsiahlej sieti Anycast - k dispozícii pre každú doménu. To má okamžitý pozitívny vplyv na čas odozvy, pretože dotazy sú rovnomerne distribuované na základe geografického zdroja a zaťaženia serverov.
Zabudnite na problémy s prestojmi a výkonom - naša sieť Anycast má niekoľko geograficky rozptýlených serverov, ktoré v prípade problémov, ktoré zhoršujú výkon, presmerujú prenos z akýchkoľvek POP. Naším cieľom je poskytovať najvyššiu možnú SLA, ak je to možné.
Naša sieť Anycast je full dual stack network - IPv4 a IPv6 dostupné v každom z našich POPs.
Nezáleží na tom, aký deň, bez ohľadu na to, kedy ste bez akýchkoľvek prestávok podporovaní 24 hodín denne. ClouDNS poskytuje nepretržité nepretržité monitorovanie a podporu siete. Náš tím technickej podpory je pre vás online 24 hodín denne, 7 dní v týždni prostredníctvom živého chatu a správ. Vaše zóny môžeme migrovať zadarmo, viac tu.
ClouDNS Anycast DNS service provides even more incredible features and benefits, including the following:
DDoS Protected M $11.95/mesiac |
DDoS Protected S $5.95/mesiac |
Premium M $4.95/mesiac |
Premium S $2.95/mesiac |
Anycast DNS: | ||||
? DNS zóny: | 50 | 5 | 50 | 5 |
? Záznamy DNS: | 2,000 | 200 | 2,000 | 200 |
? DNS queries za mesiac: | 200M ? | 5M ? | 200M ? | 5M ? |
? Ochrana DDoS: | - | - | ||
Viac informácií | Viac informácií | Viac informácií | Viac informácií | |
Anycast DNS benefits a wide range of users, from large companies ensuring their services are reliable globally to small businesses looking for better online performance. For instance, big companies can ensure customers everywhere get fast and reliable access to their websites and apps. Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) use Anycast DNS to speed up video streaming and other content delivery, which means a smoother experience for viewers. Overall, Anycast DNS makes online services more reliable and faster for everyone, no matter how big or small their needs are.
If you need a custom quote, additional zones or set up of a branded DNS service, please click the button and fill the form!
"Najlepší servis, krásny ovládací panel, 100% dostupnosť a nízke náklady."
Vadim Mikheev